CVokee offers a wide range of services. Therefore, this enumeration is not complete, but an indication.
An initial contact will include a consultation. This conversation is designed to identify needs and review options, where possible recommendations will be made directly. A proposal to provide certain services will follow this intake.
CV optimization
This involves looking at the performance of the central heating supply. Possible actions are:
Adjusting central heating more efficiently, this can be any type of heating
Water-side adjustment of the radiators / convectors / underfloor heating
Installing zone control
Installing boosters to optimize convection and airflow
Providing heating advice
Ventilation analysis
This involves looking at the indoor climate and ventilation needs. Possible actions are:
Situation analysis with (temporary) measuring equipment
Adjust ventilation unit(s)
Improve balance in inlet/outlet
Give ventilation advice
Consumption monitoring
This looks at providing insight into the various consumption data. Generation is also included in this. Possible actions are:
Applying a measurement method for desired component
Bringing together various correlating data on consumption
Providing opportunities for evaluation and correlation
Providing consumption (monitoring) advice
Sustainability analysis
This involves looking at the current state of a home. Possible actions are:
Giving advice on insulation, possibly installing insulation, determining the sequence and making a multi-year plan
Improving the heating routine
Shifting energy consumption and making it more efficient
Making and analyzing heat photographs